Tarot Cards Reading

Tarot Cards Reading

Half a Deck $40 / Full Deck $75

Tarot cards readings are done by tarot cards the reading begins with you making two wishes one of which you may tell me, the other you keep to yourself, this ensures a connection by you trusting me with one of your wishes while still remaining comfortable by keeping one to yourself. I begin with five tarot cards, then as the reading progresses I begin to take out more, making sure that every subject has my full attention before moving on to the next. I do this until either half the deck or the full deck are completed, depending on which reading you decide on. I am connecting the cards with your energy as the reading takes off from there, I read each card carefully and begin to tell you all I see in terms of past, present and future.
Reading normally takes 30 mins for half a deck, a hour for full deck. But this all depends on the client and how much detail I pick up within the reading, you may ask specific questions before the reading if you choose to.